Oshi Health & My Role As UX Lead

A summary of my four-year experience in UX Design helping to create a digital health disruptor.


Case Study


Home Screen Research & Design

Project size: XL

A project that required company-wide collaboration, IA planning, and Salesforce integration to design a collection of flagship features.


   Case Study


Sign-up Flow Design

Project size: M

My first project to lead following the company's restructuring, and arguably one of the most crucial.


  Case Study


Chat Messaging

Project size: L

I led the design of Oshi's in-app messaging feature to meet the needs of both patients and a diverse clinical team. 


   Case Study


Oshi Health Rebrand & Design Library

Project size: L

I led a rebranding project with the marketing and partnerships departments to create a voice, visual identity, and design library that would grow as our needs did.


  Case Study


Visit Summary & History Feature

Project size: M

I worked with the clinical team and engineers to share summary notes from completed patient visits in app.


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